
We invite all members of the HCI education community to join us at EduCHI 2021.

If your paper was not accepted, or even if you didn’t submit a paper at all, we encourage you to attend the symposium and share your perspective.

For cost information, please see the conference chairs’ blog post on registration rates.

Please note that EduCHI 2021 registration must be completed as part of the general CHI 2021 conference registration. See below for information on how to register for the symposium.

Please note the symposium organizers are in discussion with the overall workshops chairs (who are discussing with the Accessibility Chairs and the General Chairs) for ACM CHI 2021) to ensure that the technologies used to host the event will be accessible to everyone.

Any list of technologies listed should not be a barrier to your participation. As chairs for this symposium, we are committed to being inclusive and will work with all of our attendees to ensure participation for all. This may mean changing our plans to use any particular technology if we cannot find a suitable way to make the experience for attendees inclusive.

If you would like to attend, please register and we will discuss your accessibility needs with you.

If you are not yet registered for CHI:

  1. Visit the registration page, scroll to the bottom and select the Member or Non-Member button to begin your registration 
  2. Fill in all of the required information
  3. Proceed to the Optional Items page – select EduCHI 2021 from the dropdown list and click next at the bottom of the page
  4. Enter AccessSym02 in the code box
  5. Follow through to complete the addition, making a payment, if necessary and click “Finish”

If you are already registered for CHI:

  1. Visit the registration page, scroll down and select the “Already Registered?” button.
  2. Enter your email address and confirmation code – found in your confirmation email
  3. Click “OK” to proceed, then select “Modify” on the next page
  4. Proceed through your registration (“Next” until the Optional Items page) to add your workshop
  5. Select EduCHI 2021 from the dropdown and click “Next” at the bottom
  6. Enter AccessSym02 in the code box
  7. Follow through to complete the addition by making a payment and clicking “Finish”

Registration is now closed.